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Welcome to This Blog

Hello and welcome everyone to this blog.Here you can get wonderful computer tricks and tweakz .Also I will provide you freebies time to time so just seat back and explore this blog.......

Make your own virus - DELmE's Batch Virus Maker has made a virus generator program with the use of it you can make your own virus..........thes virus are so dangerous that it can destroy your whole PC so I warn you use this program at your own risk.But thes program is best to destroy your enemy's computer,If you want to know how a virus is made then these programme is best for you

Making a dangerous virus -Matrix !!!!! For EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY

This virus will wipe out your whole HD using an animation of 10secs, it will also use your IP to harm you and your isp (not bad in my case tongue.gif ) and spread to all your contacts...

How to create a fake error message-mostly for windows

With this help of this page you will know come to know how to create a fake error message which works mostly for windows

Windows explorer shortcuts

In this page you will came to know about the windows explorer shortcuts which will help you in using your computer faster

Annoying Google - Google hacks

In this trick the capitalisation of your searches will change automatically.Some words will change into small letter and some into capital letters in your search result.Also there will be the change of logo as you can see in the picture

Shorten Long Url 1

Coder Himanshu | Sunday, July 17, 2011 | ,

Hi again readers!!!! Today I am Going to tell all of you on how to shorten links the easy way. There are many website and also browser extension and even many mobile and computer app. But today I am going to tell about top 3 url shortening website according to me. The most important reason of shortening link is that its a out-fashioned way of sending such ugly link address to your friend and also the character limit of posting a message in facebook...

Google Plus Invitation : Freebies 3

Coder Himanshu | Wednesday, July 13, 2011 | , ,

Hey Readers hope you have liked my previous post on " Google Plus Versus Facebook " (...) .Today I am going to post my first freebie in the form of Google Plus invitation.The main reason of providing this freebie is that many of my readers have not seen Google Plus though Google Plus is one of the hottest discussed project. So here are the steps on how to get a Google Plus invitation for free : Step 1: Just visit my Facebook Fan Page and like it Step...

Google Plus Versus Facebook : A Exciting Battle 2

Coder Himanshu | Monday, July 11, 2011 | , , , ,

Atlasss......there goes a competitor which may overtake Facebook in the field of social networking and that's our very own Google's Google plus .Through Google plus is just an project as said by google but still google plus had managed to throw a few sparks on the mind of people.According to me its not easy to overtake facebook so easily as it have more than 75 million user but still google's aim is to overtake mighty facebook in the field of...

Keyboad shortcuts for Ubuntu 8

Coder Himanshu | Sunday, July 10, 2011 | , ,

Good Afternoon ...Everybody. After getting many Demands from our readers on posting something on Ubuntu Os I decided to post on the keyboard shortcuts of Ubuntu.Below you will see many keyboard shortcuts for Ubuntu OS which will make your Ubuntu life faster General keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + A = Select all Ctrl + C = Copy the highlighted content to clipboard Ctrl + V = Paste the clipboard content Ctrl...

Create matrix effect without any Software 2

Coder Himanshu | Friday, July 08, 2011 | , , , , , , ,

Greetings!!!!  Do you know you can create matrix effect in your computer ???? You may be asking what is matrix effect !!!! Matrix effect is nothing but a special effect by which greenwords comes running down your screen as you can see in the picture below.  Cool Isn't !!!!! undefined: undefined ...

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